T's Blog

A place to keep track of my passions. Family, work, hobbies.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Back to civilization, well almost.

We have made it back to Sante Fe after 3 days at Ojo Caliente Mineral Springs. Never thought I'd say "I've had enough massage and soaking in hot mineral water" but I am LOL. But I'll go back in a heart beat. So beautiful and peaceful (at leat at night they were having some construction on the cabins). Got some knitting done inbetween. Sitting on the front porch but the flies got to me and I went inside, LOL. City girl I know! Got a lot done on the bumble bee shawl, did a dishcloth with the dolphin pattern. And started a sock pattern that just wasn't working so it's frogged. We stay here tonight and see some more sites here tomorrow then down to Albaquerque tomorrow evening. We stay there over night and may stay 2 nights. But we may go on down to Ruidosa if we can get a room. I am loving NM and never knew so much was here.
I have made 4 LYS's. Got a little stash. Saw several weaving businesses. The best here so far was the Sante Fe School of Weaving that's with Miriam's Well. http://www.sfschoolofweaving.com/ Great shop, wonderful garden and such a wonderfully cheerful staff. I could have stayed but we had to be in Ojo Caliente by 3.

We got lost along the way through Espanola and ended up nearly in Tao's. We came up through the Rio Grande gorge. Now let me tell you, going up a mountain side on a dirt road was a hoot. Ever see a 3/4 ton chevy pick up hug a mountain??? It will, LMBO. But we survived and made it with 30 minutes to spare.
Will have to share more later. It's getting late, and we have lots of sightseeing to do tomorrow. And I can't let 3 days of relaxation go to pot.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Monday Monday and Menopause Witchiness!

How true this was today! If only they would let me bring my knitting to work maybe they'd all be happier, LOL. I have had so many hot flashes that I am seriously thinking of wearing shorts and flip flops to work. The two that work for me wouldn't be happy if the temp in the office was 100 degrees all the time! I have a river of sweat running down my back and they have their freaking heaters on under their desks!!!! The temp in the office is about 72-74 degrees hot enough that the employees coming in are complaining that it's hot in there, too. But it doesn't faze the Amazon queens. We do fitness testing and the people who were on the bikes today got so hot they had to stop and drink cold water just to continue. Now I ask you is it hot or is it me????? Me think not, too. So there I am doing as much as possible and running into my office and letting the fan blow on my face so the sweat doesn't drip on their arms as I do their TB test! I have to stop and mop my face with a paper towel at times. I don't ask that it's 60 degrees in the office just come on people everyone but them are complaining about the heat! So glad to be home where I can have my stockings off and knit!
On the knitting front:
Still working on the mystery stole. I am up to row 263, but working both ends at once.
I am doing the Monthly Dishcloth KAL Mid August.
Finished the baby feet washcloth for my DD2's friends baby shower Sunday. She really liked it.
Still working on the Bumble Bee Shawl, slowly.
And poor prayer shawl is so neglected. I have my secret pal's ballerina slippers sitting there ready to cast on. Ohhh well.

Vacation time next week so maybe I'll get some good quaility knitting time.

Monday, August 14, 2006


We have had a flash flood warning for the past two nights. We live in the DESERT people. There aren't floods in the desert, lol. But we have loved the rain. I didn't get to knit much Saturday except for a little riding time in the car. I had to have 6 hours of CEU's for my massage license so we drove up to Lubbock for a class on Saturday. I worked on three projects Sunday night. I am glad that both packages made it to my Secret Pal. And she has already dyed her merion a beautiful green color. I am getting back to the Mystery Stole almost finished with clue 5 and one more clue to go, Yahoo......

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Still tied up in Mystery Stole

Just finished clue 4. I have clue 5 printed and ready to go. Took a little side trip to the Monthly Dishcloth project. I started 4 days late but it was great did it in one evening LOL. Still have the Bumble Bee Shawl going, the prayer shawl. and started Enid's Myster Cloth KAL on the LSSK. Been cleaning on and off today. Would get to hot. stop drink some water, knit a row, and go again. Didn't get the vacuum out, oh well, LOL. I also got out my SP8's Felted Ballerina Slippers to try to get them OTN's but haven't got to it. I think I am heading for the shower and bedtime TV.